Dalva Brothers Antiques, Antique Furniture, New York

French 18th century furniture, clocks, lighting, paintings, porcelain, sculpture and tapestries


Louis XVI clocks

Louis XVI mantel clock
Angouleme biscuit clock with movement by Schmit dial by Coteau
Louis XVI portico clock by Robinet from duc de Penthièvre
Louis XVI ormoulu pendule-cage by Sotiau
Louis XVI clock by Revel with exceptional two-colored gilding
Louis XVI ormolu mantel clock by Lepine
Louis XVI world time clock by Lepaute
Louis XVI clock honoring Henri IV
Louis XVI “Pendule à la Geoffrin” movement by Robin
Louis XVI ormoulu and portor marble clock by Lepaute commemorating the eclipse of 1764
Louis XVI ormolu and marble portico mantle clock by Robinet
Louis XVI ormoulu and white marblemantel clock inscribed Bourdier
Louis XVI lyre clock in Sèvres cobalt blue porcelain
 Louis XVI ormolu night clock


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