Dalva Brothers Antiques, Antique Furniture, New York

French 18th century furniture, clocks, lighting, paintings, porcelain, sculpture and tapestries


Period French and Continental Chairs

Louis XIV gilded fauteuil
 Régence carved beechwood fauteuil
 Régence à chassis armchair with original gilding upholstered in needlepoint
Pair well carved Louis XV beechwood fauteuils
Pair Louis XV  fauteuils by Louis Cresson
Pair Louis XV fauteuils signed Malbet
Superb Louis XV carved Walnut Fauteuil signed BOUCAULT
Pair gilded fauteuils attributed to Gaillard
Louis XVI acajou suite consisting of two armchairs and a canapé
Transitional Louis XV/XVI armchair with original water and oil gilding
Italian Empire armchair with original gilding


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