Dalva Brothers Antiques, Antique Furniture, New York

French 18th century furniture, clocks, lighting, paintings, porcelain, sculpture and tapestries


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Terra cotta by Clodion of a satyresse and her child
Terra cotta plaque by Clodion. The plaque is vigorously modeled in relief with beautifully incised outlines. It depicts a satyr child attempting to awaken his dozing, possibly inebriated mother. Nodding off, she falls backwards, tipping the wine jar she had been leaning against starting the remaining wine to spill into a stream; reflexively, she lifts her right leg to regain her balance. [Small damages to her right little finger, leg fur and right hoof. Minor chips. Repaired break in lower left corner.]

Gabriel de Saint-Aubin made a drawing of this plaque was when it was sold in the Prince de Conti sale in 1779 for 74 livres to Hamon. It was described in the catalogue as follows:
    283. Un Bas-Relief en terre-cuite, représentent une femme de Satyre endormie sur le bord d’un fleuve. Elle a la main droite appuyée sur une urne; & de gauche, elle embrasse un petit Satyre, qui tient une grappe de raisin.
Ce bas-relief est de la plus belle touche.
    [“283. A bas-relief in terra cotta representing a female satyr going to sleep on a riverbank. Her right hand rests on an urn; & with her left she embraces a satyr child who is holding a bunch of grapes.
This bas-relief is made with the most beautiful touch.”]

 Clodion 1738-1814 : Anne L. Poulet and Guilhem Scherf ; Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris, 1992. Page 441.

Catalogues de Ventes et Livrets de Salons illustrés par Gabriel de Saint-Aubin : Émile Dacier
; reprint by Jacques Laget, Librairie des Arts et Métiers, Nogent Le Roi, 1993. Vol. VI; Nº X, Page 80)
Marked faintly in blue on the reverse: “Clodion”
Marked in black on the reverse: “74” (Possibly a notation of the price realized at the Conti sale, or perhaps a coincidence.)

Height (ins.): 9 (23cm)      Length/Width (ins.): 12.25 (31.3cm)     
Origin: France, third quarter 18th century     Period: Louis XVI



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