Dalva Brothers Antiques, Antique Furniture, New York

French 18th century furniture, clocks, lighting, paintings, porcelain, sculpture and tapestries


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Oval Marble Plaque after DuQuesnoy

Fine oval white marble plaque depicting five putti playing with a goat after François du Quesnoy. The well carved plaque, a portion of du Quesnoy’s relief Bacchanale d’enfants avec une chèvre, shows five putti trying to restrain a goat. One child holds the goat, while one raises a branch to hit the animal, while a third attempts to mount him as two more help from behind.

Height - 12¾" (32.4cm)                   Length - 17½" (44.5cm)

Height (ins.): 13.5"(34cm)      Length/Width (ins.): 17.5"(44.5cm)     
Origin: France     Period: Louis XV



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