Dalva Brothers Antiques, Antique Furniture, New York

French 18th century furniture, clocks, lighting, paintings, porcelain, sculpture and tapestries


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Louis XV ormoulu and Meissen porcelain candelabrum
Louis XV ormoulu and Meissen porcelain candelabrum. The head of the Chinese boy nods back and forth. The figure is attributed to Johann Kaendler. The candle shade and its bracket are both adjustable.

Ex Collection: Seligmann
                       Mrs. Henry Walters
                       Mr. & Mrs. Jack Linsky.
Height (ins.): 15 (38.1 cm.)      Length/Width (ins.): 9 (22.9 cm.)      Depth (ins.): 6 (15.2 cm.)
Origin: Germany and France, 18th century     Period: Louis XV



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