Dalva Brothers Antiques, Antique Furniture, New York

French 18th century furniture, clocks, lighting, paintings, porcelain, sculpture and tapestries


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Louis XVI gilded brass, porcelain and glass hurricane lamp
Rare Louis XVI gilded metal, porcelain and glass hurricane lamp (lampe-tempête.) The round base of the portable lamp has a gilded brass frame composed of branches with metal leaves and porcelain flowers; it rests on three acorn feet and has a circular handle with a thumb piece. The candle holder is bolted to a clear glass bottom panel in order to cast light downward when walking with the lamp. A removable cylindrical glass wind shield, with a gilded brass mount at the top, can be inserted into the base after the candle is lit. [The bottom glass support for the candle holder is cracked.]

Height (ins.): 5 (12.7 cm.)      Length/Width (ins.): 4 (10.2 cm.) [including handle.]     
Origin: France     Period: Louis XVI



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